
Perhaps you are familiar with the term "carbon neutrality" or "climate neutrality" (carbon neutral / climate neutral / zero carbon) which means that the carbon footprint of an organisation or country on the environment is zero. And when an organisation or country also takes more carbon from the atmosphere than it generates (carbon capture), it means that it is carbon negative or climate positive.

Target 2050

In 2021, Ukraine committed to become climate neutral by 2060. But a lot has changed recently. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine became the reason for accelerating the transition to green energy around the world, as many countries realised the dangers of dependence on fossil fuels from Russia and other countries that use them to finance wars.

And speaking about the post-war recovery of the country, more and more often in Ukraine and the EU they talk about recovery in an ecological way and climate modernisation.

Considering this, we believe that Ukraine has every chance to achieve not only climate neutrality, but also climate positivity by 2050.

Our contribution

The role of Tepla Gora in the context of Ukraine’s recovery and the Goal 2050 is to serve as a place for emotional recovery and one of the research playgrounds for sustainable development.

And since this is Tepla Gora, our approach to achieving climate positivity can only be holistic, that is, combining inner and outer ecology. Because there is no point in counting how much carbon is in the atmosphere when we are in a post-war depression, or when we have lost our health or simply have no resource for creativity.

By inner ecology, we mean physical and emotional health, harmony and understanding in relationships, inclusiveness, and involvement in public society. These are the ingredients for sustainable communities, without which we cannot talk about sustainable development.

On the other hand, when we talk about the outer ecology, we are talking about green energy, circular economy, ecological construction and clean food (which does not cause the destruction of the environment and the suffering of animals).

Together they create a whole.

Unifying element

The goal of Climate Positive Ukraine 2050 unites everything we do at Tepla Gora in a common context and sets the bar for quality and innovation in four areas:

#host - green hospitality, sustainable catering, smart use of resources, sorting and processing of waste.

#create - the use of ecological materials and solutions in construction and energy supply.